And the Golden Globe Goes to…

It’s this time of the year again! We all feel with the actors, creators and all the other people involved in television and movie making as they are hoping to receive one of these treasured awards. Today, it’s not the Oscars but the 70th Golden Globe Awards.

And just like last year when I wrote about the Oscars, I confess that I shed the one or the other tear. Okay, I cried silent tears. More than once. So I decided to just type along while I’m watching and comment on whatever I feel like commenting about. So this post might either end up ginormous or … brief.

~ First things first: don’t you think that Sam Michael Fox looks exactly like his father?! The resemblance is just incredible.
~ One reason that so very often makes me cry are the short amazing and very touching stories all the winners tell and ever so often are choked up, just like Kevin Costner is right now.
~ Oh hey, Bill Clinton! “That was Hillary Clinton’s husband!” πŸ™‚
~ Will Ferrell, what’s that funny furry thing doing in your face? πŸ˜€ He kind of looks like some East European president. “When the bad guy comes, and the salmon goes like…” Kristen and Will, you people are awesome! And I swear, nobody realized that you didn’t watch the movies πŸ˜‰
~ Katniss, I mean, Jennifer Lawrence, you look stunning! L.O.V.E. that dress! [note to self: find out who designed it. Maybe one of you dear readers can fill me in on that?]
~ I know there’s things one should not make fun of, but I really start wondering how many different possible kinds of pronunciations for “Les MisΓ©rables” there are… πŸ˜‰ Now we at least know why everybody keeps referring to it as “Les Mis”!
~ Congratulations on “Best Screenplay”, Quentin Tarantino!! You are my personal superhero! (Along with Beckham and after Batman, of course)
~ Again, so many stunning dresses! Very 50’s, actually; slim busts, big skirts.
~ Close-up on Leonardo DiCaprio: When I was a teenager, I had a huge crush on this man. He’s still eye-candy, right? Right! πŸ™‚
~ To all my Facebook buddies: you’ve already read this and Mr Stallone must have read my comment as well (because he totally just repeated what I’d written two nights ago!). Dear Arnie, you’ve been living in the US for decades now, but you still couldn’t get rid of your terrible horrible accent? He actually refuses to speak German whenever he’s in a German speaking country! I think he’s actually doing this on purpose, just as Swiss celebs do when they’re on German TV ( I could name a world famous DJ here now who used to speak German almost accent-less and is now sooooo overdoing it, but I won’t). And he just said something in German, putting on an incredible strong American accent.
~ Congratulations to Michael Haneke for best foreign language film!! Well done, Austria!
~ I guess I really have to go see “Life of Pi”. Or read the book at least.
~ Lena Dunham is great. I think this is all that needs to be said! She outbeat all the big ones, yesss!
~ Robert Downey Jr. – just about one of the greatest men out there.
~ Jodie Foster, you are my queen, my hero and I take my hat off to you! You are gorgeous, intelligent, talented and one of those people one can only look up to. Jodie Foster is a true and real woman and I hope to look as gorgeous as she does at the age of fifty. πŸ˜‰ And she is the one who made me cry because she’s such an amazing person (and I just saw Mel Gibson and Jennifer Lopez and probably everybody else in that room tearing up).
~ “Argo” is definitely on my list of movies to watch. Saying that it’s an honor to be in the same breath as all those big people nominated is a very grand gesture of Ben Affleck, isn’t it?
~ I just realized that one can almost not tell who the hosts are because there are so many announcers.
~ Oh my, Christian Bale! πŸ™‚ Oh the hair! And oh the accent! Could I get this wrapped for my birthday, please? πŸ˜€
~ Heheh, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are such a great team!
[Little side note: why are neighbors so friggin loud? I mean, can’t you just go inside to talk, rather than shouting around in he hallway? *duh*]
~ I looove Jessica Chastain’s hair! Soooo beautiful!
~ There you go Daniel Day-Lewis, making me tear up again.
~ Best Motion Picture Drama – And the Golden Globe goes to “Argo”! Well done again, Mr Affleck! πŸ˜‰ Suppose it’s worth watching this. πŸ˜‰
[Seriously neighbors, are you elephants?]

My dear readers, I hope you had as much fun watching the 70th Golden Globe Awards as I and I also hope I was not the only viewer in the home-audience to get all emotional. But then, isn’t this what television and the movies are made for? To create emotions, no matter of what kind they are?

Care to share your emotions and thoughts concerning the 2013 Globes? I’d like to hear them!

I’m not going home with Jodie Foster, but I would still like to say good night, my dear readers! Let us all be excited for the Oscars!