La vita è bella! – Parte III

I just realized it’s been a veeery long time since I updated the blog. So I figured I might as well just sit down on this insomnia-filled night and post something about my latest adventures.
Honestly, my life hasn’t been that adventurous lately. Other than the occasional firefighter-fun and the girl’s nights out, my life is somehow getting boring.

Before I forget: Happy 4/20 everyone!!! 😀 If you have no clue what I’m writing about, google it!! 🙂

School has started again and has been very demanding lately. I’m about halfway through my course now and I have to say, I’m not ready to take any exams AT ALL in the near future! Should probably start getting a little more serious about what I’m doing. 🙂 It actually is really fun, though. I must say, I enjoy sitting in class. The only drawback I’m facing is my current schedule. Starting at 9am is not what I consider being human. Not for a night owl like me anyway. It’s just too early to be on time. And this fact doesn’t even cover the biggest problem of all: My school’s late policy is basically like zero. I think they could even kick somebody out of school if they miss too many classes, which totally sucks! I mean, I’m okay with this sort of rules if they’re dealing with teenagers. But seriously, all the people in my class are adults. No need to teach us any lessons about missing classes and sowhat, since we all pay for school ourselves (most of us, I guess) and should be able to take care of ourselves, right?
Great thing about starting new classes: you always get to know knew people and make some new friends as well.

Oh my, I just witnessed neighbor’s cat doing the most irresponsible silly thing a cat can possibly do! It was standing (no, not sitting – standing, on her TWO hind legs!) on the BBQ, her two front paws on the balcony reiling, watching whatever down on the street!! Very important fact: they live up on the 15th floor… If you’re a cat, my dear reader, don’t count on those seven lives, you never know how many you’ve got left. Just sayin’… 😉

So since I kinda procrastinated updating this blog and, additionally, I’ve got a brain like a sieve, I can’t really remember all the things I did over the last few weeks. I most certainly did some interesting stuff and experienced things that’d be worth writing about, but I just can’t get my head around my hidden memories right now. I’m watching TV, too, so I’m very sorry for any spelling mistakes or sentences that just don’t make any sense. 😉

Remember that post, in which I mentioned that I really really want a dog? Preferrably a poodle? Well, I went down to the water today, sat on a bench and read for a while. Every now and then I’d watch the dogs for a while and I observed this poodle down at the beach, running and almost humping its owner. Let me just get this right here: I’m not talking about a toy poodle, I’m talking about a real poodle. A 20+ inch Standard Poodle. I’m pretty sure that beast was strong enough to drag me all over the city. Might knock me out every time it greets me in excitment when I come home. I still love the breed, tho… But (there’s always a “but”, isn’t there?) I am a very responsible person (when it comes to pets… 😉 ) and won’t get myself a dog because I don’t really have the time to take care of it. Plus I think it’s the cruelest thing ever to leave a dog at home all day long or take it to dog-daycare. Why would you get a dog then? Just to be like everybody else?
Geeee, I’m being carried away by stupid thoughts again…!! Mea culpa!

Yesterday, I went to a Jazz Dance Class. It was supposed to be a beginner’s class. Not so sure about that one. We actually checked the schedule afterwards, just to make sure we were in the right class. 😉 Most of the people in that room were basically pros, I swear!! Not so much fun if remembering the choreography is giving you a real hard time! Well, in the end, it was fun and I think both of us girls had a good time. So if anybody knows how you can memorize all those moves much easier, feel free to get back to me! 😉 Might as well just find something else to do…

Anyways, there’s some stuff that wants to be researched for and homework and laundry to fold, so I wish you a terrific night, my beloved world!
And never forget: La vita è bella!